WE ARE NATURE: Wildflower Festival
Join NOoSPHERE Arts and the other Kingsland Wildflowers partners for a summer evening of hands-on activities, art, dance, live music, wise words, and fun across the rooftops! The native rooftop meadow and wildlife habitat located on the banks of Newtown Creek, a federal Superfund site, was created through a close collaboration of private and non-profit entities looking to rewrite the narrative on the possibilities of the cohabitation of ecology and industry. This annual festival aims to bring awareness to Greenpoint’s and the surrounding communities' long-standing environmental burden and its transition to a cleaner, healthier future as well as the global climate crisis and the potential for local, community-based solutions.
Performances & visual arts during the Festival are presented by NOoSPHERE Arts with dance curation by CreateART.