Live Q&A Solidarity Economy: Cooperatives for Creatives with Daniel Park of Obvious Agency

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October 17, 2023

6:00pm – 7:00pm

Event Website

To get creative projects done, many artists and creative workers instinctively pool resources and labor to accomplish everything from community murals and mutual aid projects to magical works of visual and performing art, writing, and music. They share risk, profits, recognition, and opportunities. Though many do this work without giving it a name, others formalize their intuitive, values-driven, people-centered structures into cooperatives (co-ops), which are businesses like any other (minus oppressive hierarchies and capitalist drive which results in one person making all of the profit while paying workers as little as possible). During this Q&A, Daniel will tell us more about the founding and operation of Philadelphia-based Obvious Agency and answer questions from those involved in cooperative work or considering the formalization of their cooperative work. Daniel is especially interested in the intersection of cooperatives and the arts and he is considered a thought leader on local and national levels.

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