Circle 'Round: Dance and Drum Jam

This Dance and Drum Jam brings together all the dancers and percussionists of Circle 'Round Brooklyn workshops in Sunset Park alongside guest drummer and dancers for an improvisational evening together.

May 28, 2009

6:15pm – 7:30pm

Sunset Park Recreation Center

This Dance and Drum Jam brings together all the dancers and percussionists of Circle 'Round Brooklyn workshops in Sunset Park alongside guest drummer and dancers for an improvisational evening together. Dance masters and percussionist from a variety of culturally specific traditions will demonstrate their percussive dance forms and invite audience members to participate, before the evening leads into an improvisational dance/drum session. Come ready to move! Free!


  • Afro-Dominican and Haitian dance and drumming with Jose Figueroa and Kalunga Neg Marron 

  • Lebanese and Palestinan debkeh dance and percussion with Sheren Attal and Ramzi El Edlibi 

  • Korean drum and dance with Vongku Pak

  • Indian garba dance and drumming with Aeilushi and Paulom Mistry Egyptian saidi dance and drumming with Yasser Darwish and Mohamed Yhya


Circle 'Round's 2009 theme is dances that drum/drums that dance. The dances featured are all integrally related to percussion. In some cases the body makes the percussive sound through hand clapping, foot stomping, or maneuvering props such as bamboo sticks. In others, drummer and dancer communicate with each other through rhythmic exchanges of question and answer, or the dancer drums while dancing- blurring the distinction between musician and mover. The dancers/ drum teachers of Circle 'Round and audiences have opportunities to learn about each others traditions and to jam together at the Dance and Drum Jam.

This workshop is part of Circle 'Round Brooklyn, Traditional Dance Workshops and Performances.
