BROOKLYN: The Gospel Borough

Presented by Brooklyn Arts Council. This event is part of Black Brooklyn Renaissance, Black Arts + Culture, 1960 - 2010, sponsored by MetLife Foundation.

November 12, 2010

7:30pm – 9:30pm

Friday, November 12, 7:30 - 9:30pm 
Concord Baptist Church, Memorial Hall
833 Gardner Taylor Blvd. (formerly Marcy Ave.)
(Bedford Stuyvesant)

This concert showcased a range of Brooklyn's African American and Afro-Caribbean gospel traditions, from quartet to choir. Featuring Keith ?Wonderboy- Johnson and the Spiritual Voices; Team T-N-T, The Pelerin Choir of Evangelical Crusade Fishers of Men Christian Church, Maestro Kelly Nicolas, Director, as well as The Men's Choir of The Concord Baptist Church of Christ and the Imani Singers, both directed by Glen McMillan. This concert was sponsored by The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation. 

