In the Works: Notes from the Grants Department







Around this time last month, many of you triumphantly completed and submitted applications for our Local Arts Support and Community Arts Fund regrant programs. Because we accepted in-office submissions, I can personally attest to the fact that some of you looked like this after you handed off those big manila envelopes:But now, after the adrenaline has worn off, I know that some of you must be wondering, “What are they doing over there? When will I know if I got the money? Are they going to call me?”Fear not! We’re hard at work here, processing your physical applications and making notations in our lovingly constructed, very detailed spreadsheets. At this point we need one important thing from you, applicants – check your email!If, for whatever reason, there’s a problem with your grant application, we will get in touch with you and give you a chance to fix it. So please make sure the primary contact for your grant application is checking their email. If you don’t hear from us, it’s safe to assume that your application is on its way to panel!

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